Tudi letošnje šolsko leto pri urah angleščine gostimo prostovoljce v sodelovanju z Mladinskim centrom Zagorje ob Savi. Meseca oktobra sta se nam pridružili Španki Nuria in Laura. Preberite si članek o njunih prvih vtisih o Sloveniji, Zagorju in naši šoli.
We come from Spain, a different country with different customs, but we feel like at home here, in Slovenia. We’ve been here only for one month and we have already met a lot of very nice people. The people of Zagorje are amazing. We learnt that the people here are very helpful, nice, attentive, friendly, cheerful and we could name many more positive adjectives. Maybe it is because you live in an awesome landscape and you can enjoy the beautiful green hills every day. We can also feel the good energy coming from the mountains.
We are also here as volunteers and once per week we work at Tone Okrogar Primary School. This is our first experience as Spanish teachers to teach about the Spanish traditions and customs through the English language. We are happy to do so, because the students are really happy and enthusiastic about getting to know Spain and the Spanish people more. We love their curiousity.
We want to thank to the English teachers who gave us a warm welcome and who help us improve ourselves and also our English.
Nuria and Laura