Spoznavanje Škotske z Lindsey

Avtor: | Jun 28, 2016

Zadnje dni meseca junija je naše ure angleščine popestrila Lindsey Anne Webster, ki prihaja s Škotske. Predstavila nam je škotsko kulturo in običaje, hrano, jezik, preizkusili pa smo se tudi v tradicionalnih škotskih plesih in pravi britanski čajanki. Lindsey, ki konec avgusta odhaja nazaj na Škotsko, želimo vse najlepše in se ji lepo zahvaljujemo za sodelovanje z nami. Več o njenih vtisih o Sloveniji in delu na naši šoli, pa si lahko preberete v njenem prispevku.

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Hello everyone!

My name is Lindsay- Anna and I arrived here in Zagorje ob Savi just at the beginning of this month. I am from Scotland and I am here on an EVS (European Volunteer Service) at the Mladinski Centre, where I will be doing event, helping with the running of the Youth Centre and doing different kinds of youth work in the form of things going on at the centre and street work. However for the past few weeks I was given the amazing opportunity to come to Tone Okrogar Primary School and work with the lovely teachers and students here and teach them about my country and culture in the form of presentations, and traditional songs and dance as well as having conversations in English as it’s my mother tongue. This is not my first time in Zagorje, I first came here last year for a 9 day youth exchange called ”Healthy ‘n’ wealthy” hosted by MC ZOS and I fell so in love with this country so much that I had to return and here I am now! It’s one of the most beautiful countries I have been too, and so far everyone here I have met have been very welcoming and friendly, and I must compliment the standard of your languages skills as well! Working at this school has been an amazing opportunity and the students have been a pleasure to work with and I’m very impressed at how great their language skills are, as well as their hard work and willingness to listen and engage with me, and for that I am very grateful. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the school and the people I have met here in Zagorje and I hope that I can return in the future!

Hvala Lindsay!

(Skupno 68 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 0)

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