Spoznajte Tesso

Avtor: | Nov 18, 2018

Živjo! My name is Tessa Kuorelahti. I am 19 years old and I come from Finland. I came here in Zagorje last week. I am a new volunteer and I am going to work in Tone Okrogar Primary School  for the next 8 months.
I am graduating from high school in December and because I have time before applying to university, I decided to gain experiences and work abroad.
I like to do sports, especially cross-country skiing, dancing and running. Cross-country skiing is our familything. My parents have competed when they were younger and now my siblings (brother and sister) are competing and training for it. I did it too for 10 years, but now it is just hobby for me.
I like travelling and I have been in several youth exchanges in the past three years. I also like children and languages.
I have been thinking of teacher’s career and because of that I think working for the school is a great opportunity for me. However, I am still young and I have time to figure out my career options. Right now I am enjoying and getting to know more about Slovenia. This far I have liked to work at the school. The teachers and students have been nice to me and welcomed me well. I appreciate it a lot. I have also got a few friends with whom I have spent my free time.
I can’t wait to see what kind of work and chances there is waiting for me. I want to do as good job as I can and be helpful in the school.
With greetings,

(Skupno 112 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 0)

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